Matt Sayar

Matt Sayar (19)

Hey, it's me, you're on my site. Who even is Matt Sayar? Here's some more places I'm at around the web.

Matt Sayar

Creating a simple free website in 2025

I've owned since December 2010. According to, it appears I started experimenting with Wordpress sometime in May 2011, but then switched to using Tumblr as my host in 2012. For years afterwards, this site was just a simple index.html on AWS S3 that…

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Matt Sayar

Writing Publicly is Nerve Wracking

Years ago while working as a lowly intern for a giant company, I received an email titled MANDATORY IN-PERSON SECURITY TRAINING. They took attendance to ensure everyone participated. On the day of the training, everyone shuffled into the theater and awaited the presentation. The presenter…

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