Writing Toy Code with ChatGPT is a Blast

In trying to teach my son how to better understand Left vs Right, I did some searching for a quick little game that can help him hone his skills faster. I found something close to what I was looking for, but not quite.
That game focuses on distinguishing left and right, while I need something that requires you to quickly pick left or right. Day to day, I get tired of telling my son "pick the one on the left," only for him to think about it... then finally pick the thing on the left.

Then I thought, why don't I have ChatGPT help me kick out a quick prototype of a game I have in mind? It put together something in far fewer prompts than I expected! Here it is:
Left-Right Learning Game
The faster you press the arrow key, the more points you get. Score 20 or more points to win. Sound on to hear the intructions.
Is it perfect? No! I don't even know or care if it works on mobile! But it's good enough to sit my kid in front of it and get some early feedback. He tried it, and he loves it. Every time he wins he gets a Dorito (not the Doro), and plays again for more.

The hardest part about creating this game was embedding it here in this blog post. Not because I can't copy/paste, but because I kept finding things I wanted to tweak or features I wanted to add. Feature-bloat comes for us all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to wipe Dorito dust off my keyboard.
edit: did you notice this post has been edited since it's been posted? I keep tweaking it! I'll try and stop now.